Here is where you will see me drop random thought I have. The blogs here will vary in quality and length so don't expect consistency at all. Also at some point in the future I do want to organize the entries here somewhat, but as for right now they're ordered by dates
Now usually when it comes to asthetics I don't really care all to much for it. For what reason I don't really know, but I just never really cared for asthetics. That was until I discovered frutiger aero and my whole opinion on asthetics basically got flipped on its head. This is by far my favorite asthetic and I try to have the vast majority of things on my computer and phone look like it. Even plan on changing the icons for some stuff on my desktop. Now why do I like this asthetic? Part of me feel that it just purely nostalgia as I grew up using windows 7 and windows 7 primarly followed the whole frutiger aero thing. But I also feel that this asthetic is just calming, relaxing, and in some weird way optimistic. There something about all of this gloss and useage of mostly cool colors just sooth the soul especially when compared to how stuff looks now. Every major social media site and even platforms (*Cough* wii vs nintendo switch *Cough*) But lets not get to ahead of ourselves here this is a post about my love for frutiger aero I can get into the modern internet look another day. To basically put a long story short. I LOVE FRUTIGER AERO RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
There are so many things I want to do with my site, but instead I always end up watch 3 video essays and end up doing nothing. WHY BRAIN WHY?!?!?!
I have a good amount of wishes for the console, but the main one is joycon drift being fixed Cmon nintendo it been 7 years at this point the joycons still shouldn't be drifting! Also ARMS 2, but mostly joycon drift.
Cool gamer tip if you encounter somebody with a TV head persona/OC (Like me) you can inflict physic damage to them by using this sentence "Hey... I like your Skbidi toilet OC" Guarenteed critical hit EVERYTIME and a slight chance for emotional damage!
Been sick for the past few days which absolutely sucked, but I'm all better now, so now I can work on my site some more. I want to get a couple more things done before the month is out.
Anyyyy second now... SEE LOOK UPDATE! wait no.. that's a blog entry. Jokes aside I'm working on a page about my Tvsona history, design, etc. But it's taking a long time to create since I'm going deep. I figure that my best course of action is to not force myself into working on one thing as it will get boring, and draining so instead I decided to work on what I feel like working on right now. Also first entry for Feburary yippie.
I notice something about myself that kind of piss me off. Sometime I don't really end up creating anything, because of the fear of being judge, and while I get that is some sort of evolutinary thing that us humans evoled with. It still annoys me because why do I care about how somebody percives something on my personal site. I'm not doing this for a grade, or an award, so who cares that I have some grammaitcal error here, and there. I feel that this is a mindset leftover from my reddit days (shudders) where people would harass you, and nuke you with downvotes over having a slightly different take than them. As such I kind of didn't want to speak much over fear of being attacked. But now I shouldn't really worry about that anymore since this is not reddit, this is my site, and I should feel free putting whatever on my site (As long as it nothing illegal)
Been a bit so lets go over a bunch of random things shall we. I got a new bucket hat recently that is blue which is pretty cool. I have a bunch of different ideas for things I want to work on. Lastly I'm recently looking for a word document editor (That isn't google or microsoft) since simply using notepads just isn't cutting it for me anymore. If anybody has any recomendation let me know!
So funfact about me is that despite having the word knight in my name I actually perfer pirates more. The whole working with a crew thing, while sailing the seven seas is exciting for me. Of course IRL pirates ain't all they cracked up to be since it's less adventure, and more disease, and death. But in fiction pirates are awesome.
Alright so recently I got this thought about getting rid of the whole likes, and dislikes things on my OCs pages. Mostly because I feel that it's kind of redundant information that can be explained in the extra info section, and the few stuff there that I can't is mostly information that I don't really care too much about. Also want to add some credit for the models I used for said characters which should be pretty easy.
19 birthday today which is pretty cool. Not really any big celebration as my family don't really do that type of stuff, but I actually perfer it this way. Also been procrastinating on updating this site I would say I was busy IRL, but it was just me being lazy. Locking in now though.